Making the most of precious mental down time
Vacations might seem like a distant memory these days. But we all know how refreshing they can be for our mental well being. Travel helps us gain fresh perspectives, step away from everyday stress, and find much needed mental recovery. But when we come back to “real life,” those vacation vibes fade way too quick.
Whether it’s a few weeks on a beach, or a short weekend road trip, you work hard for that time away. So how do you make the stress-free vacation vibe last as long as possible?
Find unexpected ways to create vacation vibes
First of all, it helps to keep an open mind about what constitutes a “vacation.” They might look a little different lately; but there are a lot of ways to give yourself a mental break. A road trip, a weekend of camping, or just a day exploring a nearby town—anything that breaks up normal routines can give your mind that rest it needs.
Whatever a “getaway” looks like for you right now, you’ll want to make it count. Here are a few tips to make sure you get the most out of that vacation vibe.
Good post-vacation vibes start during the getaway
Try a little mindfulness
The first step to making the most of a break is to savor it while it’s happening. As obvious as this might sound, it can be easy for vacations to fly by and feel like a total blur. Try to be truly present in the moment, and internalize the wonderful feelings that come from it.
Be mindful of each moment, and how you’re feeling throughout the trip. Pay attention, not just to the exciting sights and big outings, but also to wonderful little things like a great cup of coffee, a sunrise, or a moment of quiet. Breathe in these moments, and savor the experience as deeply as you can.
Remember: Expect the Unexpected
Delayed flights, broken-down rental cars, pressure to make the most of every minute…if we’re not careful, stress can pile up on vacation just as quickly as it does at home!
So keep in mind why you’re there. Even if things aren’t perfect, you’ll have great stories no matter what. See the twists and turns as an adventure, and you’ll get so much more out of that hard-earned getaway.
Set an intention to make the vacation a growth opportunity
It’s common to think of a vacation as “hitting the pause button” on real life. But in an ideal world, these trips aren’t an escape from life; they are an important part of it. Like the rest of life, vacations are a series of moments and experiences, during which we grow and evolve as human beings.
And so while you’re away from the daily grind, be intentional about learning from your experiences and feelings. Every now and then, take note of thoughts or emotions:
- How do you feel? Calm, exhilarated, at peace, joyful, grateful?
- What do you notice about yourself during these times? Do you feel more like yourself? More connected to your family? More aware of things around you?
- What feels “true” to you about these experiences? What do they show you about yourself and your values?
This level of awareness can help ensure the positive feelings from vacation aren’t just fun memories, but become an integral part of who you are—even after you get back.
Ideally, vacations aren’t just an "escape from real life". Like the rest of our lives, they're a series of moments and experiences, during which we grow and evolve as human beings. Share on XKeeping a Stress-Free Vibe After Vacation
Then, when you get back home, there are a few ways to extend that insight into the rest of your life.
1. Take note of your broader perspective
Do you ever come back after time off, see a situation, and think, “I know I would’ve freaked out about this before, but now it doesn’t seem like such a big deal”? Or maybe you see previously mind-numbing responsibilities with renewed interest or appreciation.
Time away expands our minds. It breaks us out of habitual thinking, and highlights different perspectives. Plus, when we give our minds a rest, they can recuperate and become stronger, more creative, and more open.
As you get back into the routines of “regular” life, notice the difference in your mindset. See if you can remember your last day of work or home routines before your time off, and pick out the differences:
- Were you “on edge” before? Frantic, anxious, or short-tempered?
- Were you easily bored with your daily activities? Low-energy and unmotivated?
- Did you find it hard to prioritize or think straight, among too many responsibilities?
Think about these patterns, and notice ways your perspective is different now. It helps to do some quick journaling to solidify that post-vacation point of view.
- How is your perspective different now?
- Are there things that seem more important now? What seems less important?
- What do these things tell you about your values?
2. Make a plan to work the positive feelings into “normal” life
That reflection is a starting point for integrating the vacation vibes into everyday life. In reality, the mental barriers between vacation and “real life” don’t have to be so monumental. It’s just hard to keep that refreshed vibe once schedules and responsibilities pile up.
The mental barriers between vacation and “real life” don’t have to be so monumental.
So, think about how that fresh post-vacay perspective can inform your regular routines. Is there anything you might change about your usual way of doing things, to align better with how you feel right now? Examples might be:
- Looking at projects as growth opportunities rather than pesky obligations,
- Setting boundaries on work hours, to spend more time with the kids,
- Being more open to other perspectives and points of view,
- Expressing your values more fully in your work and daily life,
- And so on.
Again, jot a few notes to help solidify the ideas in your mind. Take some time, reflect on these goals, and make a commitment to yourself to honor these new ideas.
3. Build reminders into your day
Photos, souvenirs, and other keepsakes are powerful reminders of a vacation’s great memories. The problem is, it’s easy for them to become reminders of where we’d rather be, or a distant time when you were happy.
Sadly, when we think of mementos this way, we reinforce the belief that the vacation vibe is separate from real life. After a while, they can have us longing for and missing that fun time, instead of reliving the happy memory.
Instead, try using these trinkets as a prompt to bring the feeling of the moment back into your every day. These momentary reminders, no matter how small, can help establish a habit of bringing positive energy into your day, brining that vacation feeling a little closer.
Don’t let those vacation vibes go to waste.
The daily grind may never feel exactly like a vacation. But we work so hard for time off these days, it’s worth the effort to make sure the experiences don’t become a distant memory as soon as we get home.
Give it a little time and intention both on vacation and right when you return, and the most memorable times of your life can be more than just a fleeting memory.